Meet the fitness experts ready to help you achieve your fitness goals.

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Ever since 2012 we have had one goal: 


  • To help the greater Cobb County and Paulding County communities live their best life possible through the teachings of realistic healthy living. We believe ‘healthy’ is defined as your quality of life including your mental,  physical, and emotional wellbeing. We do this by providing fitness experiences that are educational, effective, fun and safe. Our clients are more than just members, they are part of our fitness family. We care and are invested in you, which is why we use decades of knowledge based experiences and data/proof that has a proven record of success when guiding each of our members one-by-one to attain their goals and live THEIR most enjoyable life possible.

The Team


Archie Brown

OWNER | Head Coach personal Training, CrossFit, Boot Camp, Senior Wellness & Fitness



Growing up in the Austell and Powder Springs areas, I was an active individual in what used to be a sedentary town. Engaging in sports such as basketball, football, wrestling, and tennis throughout grade school, I later pursued animation in my early college years. However, my passion quickly shifted to “Health and Exercise Science,” where I delved into body mechanics, cognitive functions, and the overall phisology of the human anatomy. 

Driven by a hands-on learning approach, I transitioned to become a Personal Trainer (PT). This allowed me to explore and teach various forms of fitness, all rooted in the principles of functional fitness. I then delved into the philosophies of CrossFit, Boot Camps, and Personal Training Studios, which pushed me towards a deeper understanding of fitness and exercise methodologies.

In 2012, I took a significant step by opening The V: Premier Group Fitness with the intention of guiding the area I grew up in toward a more active and healthier lifestyle. Fast forward to today, the cities of Powder Springs, Hiram, Dallas, Austell, and Marietta have become much more active and are embracing life to the fullest. I genuinely believe that our actions have played a crucial role in making this positive transformation possible.


My Favorite Quote:

“You don’t know what you don’t know”- Socrates

“The grass isn’t always greener on the other side, however the grass is green where you water it”


Education and Certifications: 

  • CF-LV2
  • USAW-LV1
  • Healthy Steps Nutrition (HSN) Coach Certification 
  • CrossFit Gymnastics- LV1
  • CrossFit Aerobic Capacity
  • CrossFit Kids




Roshaun Brown

Co-Owner | CoachNutrition Coach, Personal Training 



My fitness journey began with high school sports, where I competed in track and cross country, participating in events like the 800, mile, and 2-mile. After high school and college, I sustained my active lifestyle through running, ranging from 5Ks to marathons. Seeking diversity in my fitness routine, I joined CrossFit and remained consistent for a couple of years until a move prompted a temporary break.

The trajectory of my fitness journey took a challenging turn when I tore my ACL in a charity boxing match. Despite this setback, the experience fueled my passion for fitness and revealed the transformative power of functional movements during my recovery.

CrossFit’s functional movements played a pivotal role in surpassing the limitations of traditional physical therapy. Beyond the physical benefits, it was the incredible support and camaraderie within the CrossFit and fitness community that resonated with me. Throughout my injury recovery, the community’s encouragement played a crucial role.

This transformative experience inspired me to become a certified trainer, driven by the goal of helping others achieve their fitness aspirations. My expertise includes refining running form, especially for distance runners, as well as Olympic and powerlifting movements to guide individuals in building strength and skill. Additionally, I excel in core training and nutrition coaching, offering comprehensive support for others to reach their fitness goals.


My Favorite Quote:

“Don’t let someone else’s opinion of you become your reality” -Les Brown


Education and Certifications:

  • CF-LV2
  • USAW-LV1
  • Healthy Steps Nutrition (HSN) Coach Certification 
  • CrossFit Gymnastics-LV1
  • CrossFit Aerobic Capacity

Nigel Thompson

COACH- Personal Training, CrossFit, Boot Camp  



I grew up an athlete with a love for sports and competition. Football, basketball, baseball, soccer, tennis; I played everything as a kid. Once I got to college, I developed a new passion for health and fitness and received my degree in Health & Exercise Science. I started lifting weights regularly, but I felt like something was missing. After graduating and working out for some time, I knew that I wanted to help other people with their health and fitness so I became a Certified Personal Trainer and found myself at TheVFit. Here, I was introduced to CrossFit and immediately loved the energy that the class atmosphere provided during the workouts, the amazing community of people and most of all the competition element that I had been missing since I stopped playing sports. CrossFit opened my eyes and made me realize just how much we are all capable of with a little extra push. And this directly translated to my training style as well. In general, I’m a pretty laid back person but as a trainer, I love nothing more than guiding individuals to accomplish something that they didn’t think was ever possible. My ultimate goal is to strategically challenge you to become better each time you workout, and stay safe while doing it!


My Favorite Quote:

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” – Matthew 6:33


Education and Certifications:

  • B.S. in Health & Exercise Science
  • ACSM Certified Personal Trainer
  • CF-L1


Jessica Cantrell

Coach – CrossFit, Boot Camp, Personal Training


I have lived an active lifestyle since I was very young. I got into weightlifting early in my high school days because I wanted to be stronger for tennis, the sport that I loved! I went on to play tennis at a D1 college and fell in love with the strength and conditioning aspect of it. I loved how strong I felt and how much more confident I was in my sport because of it. I worked in the athletic training room along side other sport teams as an assistant athletic trainer for a few years, so the recovery aspect is very important to me as well. After graduating with a degree in Exercise Science, I went on to get fitness certifications and really enjoyed CrossFit.   I would describe myself as a fun trainer, but don’t confuse that with an easy trainer. I WILL push you to achieve your goals while making the process fun. I am very big on safety while performing various movements, so form/ technique is always the top of my list. My goal is to always create a process that is enjoyable and effective, I want you to love exercise as much as I do!

My Favorite Quote: 
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters…”
-Colossians 3:23


Education and Certifications:
  • B.S. in Exercise Science
  • CF-L1

Alex Maney

COACH- CrossFit  



Growing up I have always been interested in sports and fitness. Throughout my early childhood and teen years, I participated in several distinct aspects of fitness from football to mixed martial arts. But after high school and into my early twenties I found myself stagnant, sitting around more and not motivated to get up stay active and healthy. Going to your everyday “Globo Gyms” never seemed to work out, not knowing what to do when I got there and never having anyone that wanted to work out with me made it boring and repetitive. On one of those days where I was sitting around the house not doing anything I came across an interesting documentary called The Fittest on Earth that focused on the athletes that competed at the CrossFit Games which piqued my interest and sent me looking for my local CrossFit box. After meeting the coaches and community at The V I felt right at home. The programing and coaching were always top notch which inspired me to continue my CrossFit journey and go through the process of becoming a coach. After years of training and coaching at The V I can 100% tell you that it is the community and people that keep me coming back as its a big family, with the bonus of staying healthy and fit.


My Favorite Quote:

“Do or do not. There is no try.” – Jedi Master Yoda


Antwane Nelson

Coach– CrossFit 


Originally I engaged in martial arts training and sought to enhance my abilities with a gym routine, and a friend suggested CrossFit. Upon starting CrossFit, I quickly observed that the principles of functional fitness seamlessly complemented my martial arts practice. The endurance, mobility, and strength exercises proved invaluable in executing the demanding techniques of martial arts. Moreover, the overwhelmingly positive energy and transformative camaraderie within the CrossFit community have been truly life-changing.

My Favorite Quote: 


Education and Certifications:
  • CF-L2
  • USAW-LV1

Joy Pinckney

Nutrition Coach


I recall sitting in my undergraduate Health Promotion class and hearing the definition of “optimal health” for the first time.  It is defined as a dynamic balance of physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and intellectual health. The concept of optimal health focuses on mental health and healthful relationships, as well as nutrition and exercise. Further, optimal health is about being as healthy as only you can be when adopting behaviors and forming habits that are sustainable for you. It was in that moment that I knew the purpose I wanted to fulfill with my life. I wanted to help others achieve their optimal health. It was in that class, over 20 years ago, I started my journey of becoming a Health Educator.
In 2020, I joined TheVFit. I was at a point where I was ready to take control of my life again and regain my personal optimal health. I set some aggressive fitness goals for myself and worked with Coach Archie to develop a plan to accomplish them.  I jumped head first into ramping up my exercise routine and dialing into my nutrition by joining a Nutrition challenge. And over the course of 3 months, I loss over 20 lbs.
As gym members witnessed my transformation, they would ask me “how did I do it?”.  I began to share my journey and further encouraged members to focus on their nutrition. I became a champion for our fitness and nutrition programs because I knew how positively it affected my life. And when the next Nutrition challenge came around, I persuaded members to join. A year later, when the opportunity presented itself to become a nutrition coach and a part of the TheVFit team, I was more than excited to join. With my health science background and my passion for helping others achieve their optimal health, becoming a Nutrition Coach seemed like the obvious next step.


My Favorite Quote: 
“Exercise is King. Nutrition is Queen. Put them together and you’ve got a kingdom.”
– Jack Lalanne


Education and Certifications:
  • B.S. Health Science Education 
  • M.A. Health Studies
  • Healthy Steps Nutrition (HSN) Coach Certification 

It’s time to INVEST IN YOU!

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